State of Crosslist: Launch

Hi Crosslisters! We’re proud to launch our new State of Crosslist series! The goal of this series is to keep our customers in the loop with regular updates about the progress we’re making.
Most of the articles in this series will be divided into two sections:
- Things we’re working on
- Things we’re exploring
The first section, unambiguously called Things we’re working on are new features that we’re about to implement. These features are currently on our internal development board and will be released shortly, after which they will be featured in the Release Notes.
The second part is about features that we’re exploring but where we cannot yet say for sure that they’re going to be implemented. A typical reason for not implementing something could be that it’s simply not technically feasible.
Most of the feedback that you send us ends up here after a brief analysis. Afterwards, we’ll perform a deep dive on the subject and assess its feasibility. This usually takes some time.
When we’re ready, we’ll add these features to our internal development board. The content of this board will then be communicated to you in the next State of Crosslist article, but this time under the Things we’re working on.
Now, let’s apply the principles above and have a look at the current state of things.
Here’s the overview:
Things we’re working on
- We’re adding an image editing tool in the product view
- By popular request, we’re increasing the image limit to 12 (thanks, Miranda!)
- We’re also adding support for Heroine, a Grailed clone aimed at women’s fashion and streetwear rather than menswear. Check it out here
- Finally, we’re migrating our servers. This should improve performance with regards to uploading images and posting listings
Things we’re exploring
- We’re taking the first steps to add eBay to our import tool
- Afterwards, we’ll have a look at supporting Shopify and Etsy
- We’re also investigating whether it’s possible to sync inventory across marketplaces (taking the first baby steps!)
- On top of that, we’re investigating how to avoid duplicates when importing listings through the import in bulk tool
- And finally, we’re checking whether we can add a search function to the import in bulk tool