Primelister vs Vendoo: How Do They Stack Up Against Crosslist?

Primelister vs Vendoo

Chances are that, as an online reseller, you probably already know all about multi-platform listing software tools. If you’re reading this article, you’re most likely shopping around for a cross listing app. 

Whether you want to change tools, or are looking to use for the first time ever, you’re in the right place!

Here, we pit Crosslist, Primelister, and Vendoo, three of the most popular cross listing tools, against each other to see which one emerges as the winner.

Crosslist, Primelister, and Vendoo: an introduction

Primelister, Crosslist, and Vendoo are all multichannel e-commerce software tools (also known as cross listing tools) that help online resellers cross post their product listings easily from one e-commerce platform to another.

They save small businesses loads of time and manual labor by automating repetitive tasks. 

Although the three cross posting apps do the same job, they differ from each other in terms of the features they offer. Let’s compare them and see which cross listing app is the best! (Hint: It’s Crosslist. 😉)

Now, we’ll stack up each of their features against each other.

1. Supported marketplaces

9711 (with expensive add-on)

While Vendoo does support cross listing on more number of marketplaces (including Whatnot), the caveat is that you can only list your products on a maximum of 3 marketplaces if you’re on a default plan.

This means that if you want to list on more than 3 platforms at once, you’ll have to shell out extra cash for an expensive add-on.

But Crosslist lets you list a product on all 9 platforms simultaneously, even with the most basic Bronze plan!

Lastly, while Primelister also lets you cross post to several platforms at once, it supports only 7 marketplaces, which makes it more limited than Crosslist and Vendoo.

Verdict: Crosslist > Vendoo and Primelister

2. Listing form, cross listing, and autoposting

✅ Just one dynamic form to cross list your items on all marketplaces❌ One form, but opens multiple tabs❌ Multiple forms per each marketplace
✅ Auto posting in the background❌ No auto posting. Have to manually check and approve each listing✅ Auto posting in the background
✅ Can directly cross list from one marketplace to another✅ Can directly cross list from one marketplace to another❌ No direct cross posting. Need to import the listings first.

Primelister lets you cross post to several marketplaces at once, but the downside is that it uses a form-filling approach for the actual cross listing.

Form-filling software, like the one Primelister and List Perfectly uses, opens a new tab for each listing where the listing information is autocompleted.

Source: Primelister

While this may sound great, in reality, this approach has multiple downsides:

  • You have to manually check each form for any missing attributes that may not have been completed (such as category or size).
  • You need to manually confirm each listing using the Publish or Post button.
  • Form-filling software is prone to bugs due to frequent form changes in the front-end of the marketplace.
  • Floods marketplaces with listings in multiple tabs, risking triggering rate limits and interruptions.
  • Slows down your computer, as each listing opens a new tab for each marketplace, e.g. when listing 10 listings to 5 marketplaces, Primelister will open 5 * 10 tabs = 50 (!) tabs in total.
Primelister Requires Manual Confirmation
Source: Primelister

On Vendoo, you first need to fill out a common form called the “Vendoo Form”.

Vendoo Form
Source: Vendoo

Once you’re done, you need to select the marketplaces you want to list this item on.

Now, every time you select a new marketplace, Vendoo will prompt you to fill in all the additional details specific to that marketplace. While they do transfer over some things, it does not always work seamlessly.

From our testing, we identified that, for example, size wasn’t transferred across the listing forms. This means you have to complete size separately for each marketplace. Tedious, time-consuming, and prone to error.

Then you need to click on Submit for the listing to get posted in that one marketplace. And repeat. So, if you want to post a single listing on 5 marketplaces, you’ll be filling out the Vendoo Form and 5 additional forms for each marketplace!

Vendoo Post Per Marketplace
Source: Vendoo

Moreover, Vendoo doesn’t support direct cross listing from one marketplace to another. i.e. if you want to cross post from Poshmark to Mercari, you need to import the listings to Vendoo first. Too many additional steps and manual intervention, which makes Vendoo very time-consuming to use.

Crosslist, though, solves all the problems that arise when you use Primelister or Vendoo. You only ever need to fill out one dynamic form with Crosslist. Seriously. This form will have all the attributes needed for all the marketplaces, which means you never have to enter any more information.

Once the form is complete, simply select all the marketplaces you want to list your product on, and click on Post. And that’s it! Your work is done. Crosslist will automatically post your listings in the background.

With Crosslist, you can also directly cross post your listings from one marketplace to another. In these cases, the form will ask you to add any additional info only if it’s not already available.

For example, Facebook Marketplace requires fewer listing attributes than eBay. So if you cross post directly from FB Marketplace to eBay, you’ll be prompted to enter the additional info.

Direct Cross Listing

Verdict: Crosslist is the fastest and most stable cross listing app. It collects all required attributes in one dynamic form (eliminating the need for you to fill out multiple forms like Vendoo) and auto posts your listings in the background (unlike Primelister that uses form-filling software). Both Vendoo and Primelister require a lot of manual intervention, while Crosslist automates everything for you, saving you a lot of time and energy.

3. AI-generated listings

✅ Supports AI-generated listings❌ No AI-generated listings❌ No AI-generated listings

Crosslist is the only multi-platform listing tool of the two that has an AI supported feature that lets you generate your entire product description in seconds.

All you need to do is upload a few images of your product that showcase all of its angles (front, back, sideways) and details.

Generate with AI

Once done, click the Generate with AI button and ta-da! The entire product description – including a catchy title, brand, color of the product, condition and even price – is generated for you! You just have to go through it once and make any changes you need.

While you can technically use ChatGPT to create your listings for you, you’ll have to upload product images to the tool (in addition to uploading it to your cross listing app), experiment with different prompts, and copy-paste the information every time. Imagine doing this with multiple products.

Not only is it exhausting and time-consuming, there’s also no guarantee that you’ll get accurate results. But, if you use Crosslist, you can generate an entire listing in just a few minutes. And it’s very accurate, too!

Another benefit of Crosslist’s AI tool is that it trawls the internet for pricing data and gives you optimal selling price suggestions. This reduces the time you need to spend on market research.

Note that while Vendoo also integrates with eBay’s price tracking tool to give you pricing suggestions, the downsides are that:

  • You need to connect an eBay account to Vendoo to receive these.
  • It only gives you pricing suggestions based on eBay’s prices.

Crosslist, however, trawls through the entire internet and gives you pricing suggestions based on product pricing trends and current market attributes. Its data is more accurate because of this. You can also use this even if you don’t have an eBay account!

Verdict: Crosslist’s AI tool (which isn’t offered by Vendoo or Primelister, saves you a lot of time, making your job far smoother.

4. Pricing

Let’s talk pricing.

Most affordable cross listing app. Even the most expensive plan is leagues cheaper than Vendoo.Many essential features (including cross listing) are available only in the more expensive pro plan. Most expensive cross posting app. Some essential features hidden behind a paywall.
3-day money back guarantee, as long as you’ve created fewer than 20 listings.14-day free trial.A free basic plan, but you can only create 5 new listings per month and you can't cross list between marketplaces.

Primelister has two plans, called the basic plan for $29.99/ month, and the pro plan for $49.99/ month. But the basic plan only lets you import and relist your already-existing inventory.

It does not offer cross listing, which is the main function of these tools! So, if you want to use Primelister for cross posting, your only option is to get the pro plan, which is wild (and very expensive).

Here’s a comparison of the two pricing plans on Primelister 👇:

Primelister Pricing
Source: Primelister

Vendoo offers 7 different plans, ranging from $8.99/ month all the way up to $149.99/ month, with a free starter plan.

Each plan differs in terms of the number of new listings you can add and the number of background removals you can carry out on your photos.

The free plan only lets you create 5 listings per month, which is very low. Even if you end up paying for the other affordable plans, you only get to create a few hundred listings per month.

Vendoo Pricing Limits
Source: Vendoo

Even the most expensive plan places a limit, in that you can only create 4000 listings per month, which isn’t very enterprise-friendly, especially for that hefty price tag.

If you want to be able to create unlimited listings, you’ll have to opt for Vendoo Enterprise (which isn’t ideal for those that just want to test the waters) where they’ll make you a custom offer (and an expensive one, surely!)

While all of these plans include basic features such as unlimited cross posting and bulk delisting, some essential features, such as importing your existing inventory items, bulk relisting and delisting, and simultaneously cross listing to more than 3 marketplaces are hidden behind yet another paywall.

Vendoo Add Ons
Source: Vendoo

All of this combined will cost you an extra $5 or $12 per month. Keep in mind that you’ll be paying for these add-ons on top of your subscription fees.

All in all, it’s pretty clear that Vendoo is one of the most expensive cross listing apps out there.

Crosslist, on the other hand, is super affordable. (Yes, even our most expensive plan.) We also never put essential features behind a paywall.

Even our cheapest plan lets you create 200 new listings per month. And, unlike Vendoo, you can relist and delist to multiple marketplaces in bulk to your heart’s content. No limit. Seriously.

Even the Diamond plan, which is the highest-priced plan at $44.99/ month, is far far more affordable than what you’ll have to pay with Vendoo and Primelister. The best part? You get to create unlimited listings with this plan!

Crosslist Monthly Pricing

Want to save even more money? Get Crosslist’s annual subscriptions and save 30%!

Crosslist Annual Pricing

But if you don’t want to lock in for an entire year, you can get one of Crosslist’s quarterly subscriptions. You’ll still get to save 15%. 😉

Crosslist Quarterly Pricing

We only have one add-on, for which we charge $4.99/month, as we have partnered with an external service that charges a fee each time the AI is used. This state-of-the-art algorithm lets you generate your listing details from an image in seconds (more on this below).

Very budget-friendly, right? 

To make things easier for you, here’s a side-by-side comparison of how much you’ll save when you choose Crosslist instead of Primelister 👇:

CrosslistPrimelisterDifference (%)
200 listings$29.99$49.99-60%
500 listings$34.99$49.99-30%
1000 listings$39.99$49.99-20%
∞ listings$44.99$49.99-10%

And here’s how much you’ll save with Crosslist when compared to Vendoo 👇:

CrosslistVendooDifference (%)
200 listings$29.99$41.98-30%
500 listings$34.99$61.98-45%
1000 listings$39.99$111.98-65%
4000 listings$44.99NA-70%

Verdict: Not only is Crosslist the most pocket-friendly cross listing app, it also provides access to all essential features with all subscriptions. No more having to spend extra money purchasing essential functions disguised as add-ons.

5. Image editor and background remover

Has a state-of-the-art editor and unlimited background removals.Has neither.Has a very basic editor and limited background removals.

Primelister does not come with an image editor or a background remover.

Vendoo has a very basic image editor which only contains features like cropping, resizing, rotating, and adjusting the brightness, saturation, and contrast.

Vendoo Image Editor
Source: Vendoo

This cross listing app also offers background removal – either individually, or in bulk. However, the amount of backgrounds you can remove is tied to your plan.

Vendoo Background Remover
Source: Vendoo

Crosslist offers an advanced image editor that lets you complete more actions than Vendoo. In addition to all the basic features like cropping, rotating, resizing, and adjusting your brightness and whatnot.

Crosslist’s image editor also lets you annotate your photos with any important info, add filters to make them look better, add stickers, or blur a specific part of the image (the last two of which are great when it comes to hiding your face or other personal info).

Image Editor

You can also remove the backgrounds from all of your photos with just a single click, unlike Vendoo which asks you to select the images once again in a pop-up.

Even if you only save a few seconds by using Crosslist, think of how much it’ll add up in the long run. It’s also more convenient, right?

Crosslist Background Remover

Crosslist also automatically resizes your images to fit the requirements given by online marketplaces. For instance, if you upload a rectangular image for Poshmark (which requires only square images), Crosslist will turn it into a square on its own without deleting anything from the image.

Verdict: Crosslist has an advanced image editor which is lacking in Vendoo, as the latter only has a very basic one. Removing the backgrounds from your images is also easier and more convenient with Crosslist. Lastly, you can remove unlimited backgrounds with every plan, while Vendoo has a cap per listing plan. Primelister doesn’t offer either feature.

6. Support for Canada, UK, and Australia

✅ Supports US, UK, CA, and AU marketplaces❌ Supports only US, CA, and AU❌ Supports only US and UK

Crosslist is the only multi-channel listing tool that supports the marketplaces in 4 different countries, namely US, UK, CA, and even AU which often falls through the cracks.

Not only that, based on your country, Crosslist automatically selects the correct domain name when cross listing. For instance, if you’re from the UK, our app will automatically cross list to instead of

Additionally, Crosslist automatically converts the size when listing between international variants! 

7. Inventory management, analytics, and autodelisting

Primelister lacks true inventory management, offering only a basic listing overview with no functionality to post or delist items.

In contrast, Crosslist and Vendoo provide comprehensive inventory management from a single dashboard.

While Vendoo offers analytics and auto-delisting features, Crosslist is working on introducing analytics soon to give users valuable sales insights.

Strategic planning is essential for any growing business, including online resellers. Just like a nonprofit benefits from using a nonprofit strategic planning template to achieve its goals efficiently, having reliable analytics helps resellers scale their business efficiently.

The reason Crosslist doesn’t have an auto-delisting feature (where the app automatically detects sold items and delists them from other marketplaces) is because it’s prone to bugs and doesn’t have a lot of good reviews from Vendoo customers.

This user shares that, after a while, Vendoo stopped detecting their sold listings until they disconnected and reconnected their marketplace.

Because of this, they ended up selling a lot of products more than once, having to cancel them once they clocked in to the problem. They share that they’ve been warned by marketplaces and could get their account restricted if this continues.

So, at Crosslist, we’re only focusing on bringing you features that work 100% of the time and don’t affect your business. You can, however, mark your items as sold on our app and delist them in bulk! There’s no limit to the items you can delist and relist (when you want to refresh your listings) with Crosslist.

Delist From Listing Overview

Once again, Vendoo users have complained about Vendoo’s relist/delist feature saying that it’s very buggy and mixes up product attributes, causing the users to intervene and manually change each and every one of them.

Crosslist is the best multi-channel cross listing app for your business

Crosslist is very intuitive, anticipating your needs at every turn and solving even the tiniest problems you might have, making your life easier. Its useful features reign supreme when compared to other multichannel e-commerce software tools.

✅ Is the most affordable cross posting app.
✅ Allows for unlimited actions, in bulk.
✅ Helps you generate AI listings in seconds.
✅ Only needs one dynamic form.
✅ Is very stable when cross listing.
✅ Lets you create templates and add custom tags to help you manage your inventory better.
✅ Is the only cross listing app to have an advanced image editor.
✅ Lets you cross post directly from one marketplace to another.
✅ Supports resellers in 4 countries.

Bottom line: If you want to streamline your business, save time on manual work, and increase your sales, Crosslist is the right choice for you.

You don’t have to take our word for it, either. Here’s what Katie, who increased her sales by 160% with Crosslist, has to say about us 👇:

“Crosslist revolutionized my reselling business. Not only did it open doors to new marketplaces, but it also saved me so much time. Juggling a full-time job and trying to scale my reselling business proved impossible. I would have thrown in the towel if I hadn’t found Crosslist. My sales have skyrocketed since expanding to Mercari and Depop – I can’t source new stock fast enough! Every vintage clothing reseller should be using this tool!”


Choose your business. Choose Crosslist.

Questions or just say hello!

Well, congratulations to you for making it this far! Here’s a reward in the form of a 10% discount code on your first month of Crosslist (add during check-out). Sign up now with a 3-day money-back guarantee!

10% off


You can learn more about how Crosslist works here.

If you have further questions, feedback, bug reports, or want to know a bit more about us, why not swing by for a chat and say G’day! You can have a chat with us through Messenger.

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